

Halvdag (5 timmar) – 20.000:- 

80 högupplösta retuscherade bilder. (SAMT ALLA TAGNA BILDER UNDER BRÖLLOPET) Porträttfotografering, vigselceremonin & mingel. Personligt planeringsmöte. Bilderna skickas över dropbox alternativt med usb sticka

Heldag (10 timmar) – 30 000:-

150 högupplösta retuscherade bilder. (SAMT ALLA TAGNA BILDER UNDER BRÖLLOPET) Porträttfotografering, vigselceremonin, mingel, middag & fest. Personligt planeringsmöte. Bilderna skickas över dropbox alternativt med usb sticka


planning meeting:

a meeting over a coffee/dinner och phonemail with me personally before the wedding, portrait or other photoshoot. we’ll walk trough all your requests, dates/times, details etc. we’ll also sign a contract for the job.

I’m flexible and open to most ideas. i’ll be there to capture the memories of your big day to be remembered always.

i’m convinced that both you and me we’ll leave the meeting with a smile on our lips and answers to all you questions.



we’ll sign a contract regarding all the terms for the photoshoot during the planning meeting for both our safety. during the planning meeting 30% of the amount we settle for the job will have to be paid. this fee works as the deposition. remaining amount need’s to be paid after the work is finished.

if you wish something outside of the regular packages we’ll include that in the contract. I’m always open to making everything the way you want, in the packaging you want.

more images och hours than settled will be charged on an hourly fee we decided in the contract.

my business of course have a F-tax bill.